The Functional Restoration Programme (FRP) is a service that deals with chronic and long term injuries that impact on an employee’s ability to fulfil their work duties. Our programme educates and rehabilitates participants in how to manage on-going or repeated episodes of muscle and joint pain, whilst remaining in work.
FRP deals with employees who have found a course of physiotherapy treatment did not restore full function or eliminate pain following an injury. Unlike acute physiotherapy treatment FRP looks at the employee’s current ability to manage day-to-day tasks at work and at home, along with any concerns, anxieties or beliefs which have become barriers to recovery. FRP helps employees to understand and begin to manage their condition through education and tailored rehabilitation exercise programmes. The programme benefits employees who are actively working through their condition, to those who are experiencing long term absence as a result of their continued MSK condition.
When is a referral to FRP appropriate?
The employee has undertaken a course of physiotherapy treatment that has not resolved their condition.
The problem repeatedly leads to an employee being absent from work.
FRP can be considered if a colleague is experiencing ‘fear avoidance’ with returning to a specific work duty.
FRP should be considered before long term changes to working duties are made.
Referral for Assesment
The first stage of FRP is through a thorough and detailed assessment to establish if the employee is suitable for the programme. It will include:
- Completion of specific, accredited & researched questionnaires which identify any fears, poor beliefs, mood and changes in relation to their condition and how this is affecting their everyday life and wellbeing.
- A detailed consultation with an MSK clinician to analyse their current physical condition.
- A physical and functional examination to identify any restriction in movement, strength and particular problem areas which need specific attention. This will be tailored to match the individual to the specifics demands of their work duties.
Following the assessment a detailed report will be provided to the referring manager in agreement with the employee. This outlines the employee’s condition from a physical and psychological perspective, current work abilities and suitability to attend the programme. Suitable employees will be provided with tailored return to work support (if return to work is required) which develops throughout their rehabilitation.
What if an employee is not suitable following assesment?
On some occasions employees may not be suitable for FRP. In these instances a report will be provided with alternative treatment pathways.
Programme Delivery
FRP is a personalised service, meeting the needs of an individual’s personal circumstances. The service is operating between 9.00am and 3.00pm, with session sizes of 4 attendees and a total of 6 sessions.
During each session an individual’s capabilities are measured to assess improvements, progression towards their goals and capability to return to work.
What is expected from my employee?
Employees who are attending FRP are required to complete a home rehabilitation plan to continue to progress their recovery. This will involve a combination of aerobic, flexibility and strength training which can be completed at home or within a gym environment.
Employees are supported in setting their own weekly or fortnightly goals to ensure full participation and motivation throughout the programme.
How will I know if FRP is benefitting my employee?
FRP regularly monitors individual capabilities throughout the course of treatment. Improvements are normally noticed after completion of 3-4 sessions. If no improvement is recorded the case will be reviewed by a senior PAM clinician.
It is expected that employees will begin a phased return to work/full duties which coincide with their rehabilitation. Employees who are resistant to the programme or unwilling to return to work will be terminated from the programme.